Once again, I can't keep myself disciplined enough to do a blog post a week. Life is just too much fun and too hectic sometimes to sit down and write a blog post each week. But at least I take photos so that I can write the posts out later. Perhaps that's a secret I shouldn't reveal - but oh well.
I already miss the mountains, but whenever I leave a place, I take pieces of it with me. This time I've got a couple recipes up my sleeve. This one is not so much a recipe but a trick. It's a way to make a fantastic pastry using the hot coals leftover from a S'mores fire. (I blogged before about how going camping is really just an excuse to eat marshmallows at every meal. Now it's an excuse to eat marshmallows and to buy canned biscuits.)
Up till this point I had never bought (or popped open!) a can of ready-made biscuits. If I eat biscuits, they're either in fast food (like the Popeye's I had for the first time, or at KFC) or they're homemade (Evelyn's angel biscuits, mmm). So broom handle biscuits were totally new to me.
You take ready-made biscuits and pop them out of the can, then separate them.
This is another guest-chef blog post with my friend Wilson demonstrating how to stretch out the biscuits so you can wrap them around a broom handle.
Stretch them out real good and then mold one end over a greased broom handle, like below.
When it's brown, it's baked.
Let it cool for a few seconds and then slide it off the broom handle. If it slides off, you know you used enough grease (Crockpot butter, in this instance).
This looks like a lot of fun Abby! Hope you and yours are high and dry with this latest spate of impressive storms in New England!