Sunday, June 29, 2014

Camping: An Excuse to Eat Marshmallows at Every Meal

This weekend I simply had to get out of town for at least one night - I got 24 blissful hours. I drove out to the John Flannagan Dam and went to a campground I had looked up online. I'm so glad I went. I had an amazing time, sleeping rather comfortably in my car, swimming in the reservoir, and eating the non-perishable foods I had carefully thought out: lots of fruit, peanut butter and crackers, cereal and tuna fish. 

Because I knew I wouldn't have refrigeration, I brought instant nonfat dry milk. I've made it before but always chilled it; without refrigeration, I figured that it would still be okay. It tasted like something-that-resembled-milk and it wasn't water in my cereal, so it was good enough for me. 

The triumph of my trip, however, was the Peanut Butter Filled Toasted Marshmallow. I made sure to buy a bag of marshmallows on the way so that I'd be able to roast them. (I roasted marshmallows at dinner, breakfast, and lunch, hence the title of this blog.) I also had peanut butter with me and for some reason I imagined putting peanut butter inside a marshmallow and then roasting it. Perhaps I thought about how marshmallow sauce and peanut butter sauce on sundaes can be so yummy together.

So I tried it out.

I twisted a hole in the marshmallow with a knife, then squished peanut butter inside.

I like setting my marshmallows on fire and then blowing them out. The peanut butter gets all melty and delicious inside of the marshmallow. 

It really is an amazing thing - fluffy, sugary, air with peanut butter inside.

The low point of my camp culinary exploits was the can of tuna that I brought. I took with me a combination wine opener and what looked like a can opener. After all of this

I realized it is not a can opener. I also tried to open the can using the method that these guys say will be useful in a zombie apocalypse but it didn't work. So I kept trying with the wannabee can opener until I was able to spoon out the tuna and eat it on crackers. This is what the can looked like when I was done:

But to end things on a good note:

Just look at that! 

What do you like to eat while camping? 

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